First Federation Trust
Sidmouth Church of England Primary School provides a vibrant and exciting learning environment where all children are provided with opportunities to succeed, and cared for as unique individuals. We aim to support children to be academically successful and socially confident. The life of the school is driven by enthusiasm and a desire to achieve. We aim to bring learning alive, making it exciting and stimulating.
We want to give our children a desire for knowledge that will stay with them throughout their future life. Our curriculum aims to develop core skills in English and maths, whilst providing exciting social, physical and creative opportunities in a wide range of other subjects.
We believe a positive partnership between home and school is essential. You are your child’s first educators and we aim to build on their skills and experiences when they join us. We hope you continue to enjoy taking an active and positive interest in what your child is doing at school through parent workshops, family activity days and parent forums. There are many ways for you to get involved in school life, for example through our PTFA or as a helper in school.
Our talented staff team and excellent facilities mean that we can provide a smooth transition for any child joining the school and strive to meet the needs of all. We look forward to making your child’s primary education a very special and memorable time.
Alex Spraggon - Head of School
Visit the following pages and see below for more information about our school:
Vision and Values
Information about the School Day
Curriculum including Sex and Relationships Education
Collective Worship / Christian Values
Our Learning Pledge
At Sidmouth CE Primary School, we pledge:
- You will learn and be challenged everyday
- You will learn to communicate well with the wider world
- That together, we will persevere to help you realise your full potential
- To offer you lots of real life experiences to help you learn
- To support you to become more independent and responsible
- You will be enthusiastic, happy and enjoy school
We promote these aims in all the activities and experiences we provide the children.
School Organisation
Our school is organised into 19 classes, across two sites, covering the three stages of school.
Vicarage Road Site:
Nursery, Reception (2 classes), Year 1/2 (2 classes of 5)
Woolbrook Road Site:
Key Stage 1 - Year 1/2 (3 classes of 5)
Key Stage 2 - Years 3 - 6 (4 classes of Year 3/4, 5 classes of Year 5/6)
Strong links are fostered with local pre-schools and Sidmouth College. Our school is a member of the Sidmouth Learning Community where we work in collaboration with other local schools. We also have family groupings, so that children have some time in cross phase sessions and assemblies, allowing us to build on our aims and values.
Throughout the school we expect our children to be caring, polite and well behaved. Emphasis is placed on the importance of looking after and supporting each other within our school community and beyond.
We celebrate positive behaviour and an enthusiastic attitude to learning. Children are encouraged to have a go and always try their best. Together our aim is to provide a happy, safe and purposeful environment, where everybody treats each other with respect.
We ensure that children whose poor behaviour or attitude impacts on others are clear about why sanctions have been imposed and privileges are removed.
Parents are kept informed and involved in discussions about steps that need to be taken should concerns grow regarding behaviour.
We involve all our children in making agreements about behaviour, both in class and for playtimes so that they can take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
During the school year our children participate in a wide variety of experiences aimed at enabling them to gain better understanding of topics, enhance their learning and gain greater experience from their learning. Opportunities offered include:
- History theme days
- Museum visits
- Trips related to topics
- Visiting theatre groups
- Working with artists
- Special guests
- Residential visits
Whenever we can, the school funds these activities. However some of the visits, both the day and residential, rely on contributions from parents and carers.
Healthy School
We believe in the importance of encouraging children to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, teaching them the value of exercise and a healthy diet. We promote:
- Regular fitness beaks for activity each day
- Participation in a varied programme of sports and PE activities
- Healthy eating – children at Key Stage 1 are provided with a piece of fruit or vegetable every day.
- Children have access to water throughout the day.