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This term's clubs

MondayNetball5\6 boys and girlsMr Smith  Mrs Watts3.25.4.1520.1.2025  24.3.2025Playground/Green cage15
MondayMindfulness and YogaVR Reception- Year 2Mrs Coombe3:15 - 4.0020/1/25w/c 10/2/25w/c 31/3/2524/03/25Dragonflies15
MondayLegoVR Reception - Year 2Mr Spraggon12.00 - 12:3020/1/25w/c 10/2/25w/c 31/3/2524/03/25Starfish15
MondayRacket sports (mix of tennis and badminton)Y1-6 based at WRMs Noakes3.25 - 4.1520/1/25w/c 10/2/25w/c 31/3/2524/03/25Hall WR25
TuesdayFootballY5/6 open first to those who have not done it before Mr Wrightson3.25-4.1521/1/25w/c 10/2/25w/c 31/3/2525/03/25Green Cage WR Playground16
TuesdayColouring and CraftY3/4/5/6Mrs Crockett3.25 - 4.1521/1/25w/c 10/2/25w/c 31/3/2525/03/25Ospreys or Eagles WR tbc20
WednesdayBoard gamesWR Year 1/2Mrs Nelson3.25 - 4.1522/1/25w/c 10/2/25w/c 31/3/2526/03/25Eagles WR20
WednesdayCookingY5/6Mr Wells3.25 - 4.3022/1/25w/c 10/2/25w/c 31/3/2526/03/25Year 1/2 kitchen7 (may be a different 7 each week depending on numbers applying)