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MyEd App

MyEd App

We are now running our communications app, MyEd, which will make sending emails, texts, forms and letters to parents much simpler and cost effective.


This is available for everyone to download at on smartphones.


For parents who are Priority 1 on our database, you will be able to link to your child (allow 24 hours after downloading the app) and will be able to receive and send free messages to us, see attendance information and other useful pages within the app.



We have had questions arise about the App and so will add to this database of frequently asked questions to share answers that have arisen:


Question (1): Can there be more than one Priority 1 parent who can sign up to the app?
Yes, if both parents share parenting equally. If parents are at different addresses, it can become confusing for consent forms and notifying regarding bumped heads etc, therefore priority will be given to the parent who is the primary carer.


Question (2): I have the app but I didn’t see the message, what can I do?
Please check your app settings on your phone – you may be able to set the app to notify you, or to put a number ‘badge’ over the app – it depends on your make of phone (Google for instructions for specific phones).


Question (3): I am a ‘Priority 1 Contact’ but I’m not getting emails – why not?
Please check your ‘junk mail’ and if it is in there please add the address to your accepted non-junk senders. If there is no message there either, please email to let us know to check your email address.


Question (4): I filled in a form online but went back to check a detail. Now the school says I haven’t filled it in?
Unfortunately, once submitted, if you go back to check something, the form moves from ‘submitted’ and into ‘pending’. Please try to avoid going back once you’ve submitted a form. (Feedback from parents who have been the ‘guinea pigs’ for us regarding forms is that they have on the whole been very pleased at how easy they are, which is great to hear. They will save a lot of paper and time once we are all used to them. Thank you for your patience.


Question (5): I can’t download the app - will I miss out?

Answer: The quick answer is No. We will get information out by various means in order to ensure everyone has everything they need. The benefit to us and yourselves of the app is it has an ability to send free messages which should save us money. The app is also useful for a quick link to our information but this can all also be found on the website. We will send forms by email so everyone will get that (who has a current email address with us). Should you wish to find out attendance information then of course we can provide that for parents at the office. All class letters and recent letters sent home will be on the website as usual. So no, you will not miss out, but in order to assist us, if you are able to download and activate the app that would be great.


Question (6): I’ve got 4 children in the school and I’m getting 4 copies of all the emails

Answer: I must apologise to anyone who has more than 1 child because you’ve been getting as many emails as you have children! We have now worked out how to just send one message per family.




