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Homework for the whole school set this week (Changes every Friday)

Although we recognise the importance of children using out of school time for pursuing interests, hobbies and play, we also believe that by setting regular homework we are helping to develop an effective partnership between school and home.

At Key Stage 1, we encourage more speaking and listening focused homework, discussing the school day, or a book you are reading together. As they move through the school, children will be expected to take on more responsibility for their learning. Homework may take the form of:

  • Reading
  • Times tables and spellings to learn
  • Research to carry out
  • Numeracy/ Literacy tasks
  • Topic-related activities

Reading is an essential tool for learning. We encourage all children to read regularly at home and hope all parents support us in this.

Remote Learning

In the event that remote learning is required to be provided to a class, year group, key stage or whole school the following approach will be taken. 

Remote learning will be tailored to the specific needs of each year group. We will utilize a blend of live sessions via Teams, assignments through Google Classroom, and resources from online sources (such as Oak Academy), along with independent, teacher-planned activities. These resources will be shared with families to ensure students remain engaged and supported in their learning journey. Teachers will be available for support and guidance through video calls, phone, and email, ensuring a comprehensive and accessible learning experience for all students.
