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Uniform Information

The school has used the DfE non-statutory guidance on school uniform and agrees with the guidance given in the DfE booklet which states: 


‘The school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. The Department strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, schools ethos; ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils. The Department also encourages schools to have a very clear position about appearance such as hair colour, style and length and the wearing of makeup.’ 


Our uniform is smart yet practical and affordable. It gives our children a sense of identity and we encourage them to take pride in their appearance. 



Reception to Year 4 

Navy Sweatshirt (round neck) or Navy Cardigan, preferably with school logo 
White Polo Shirt 



Years 5 and 6 

Navy Sweatshirt (V neck) or Navy Cardigan, preferably with school logo 
White Shirt 
Navy and White Striped Tie (clip on) 



All Pupils 

Grey trousers, shorts or skirt 
Black shoes 
Plain socks  
Book bag (Rec-Y2) 



PE Kit 

White or Pale Blue T-Shirt, Navy or Black Shorts, Navy or Black leggings or jogging bottoms, Trainers 



Other items available (optional) 

Navy and white check summer dress 
Polo Shirt with logo 
Reversible coat, waterproof coat, fleece 
PE bag / School Bag 
Hair scrunchie 




Maximum of one pair of stud earrings, which must be removed or taped over for PE 
Watch (not a Smart watch) 
No other jewellery 
No temporary tattoos, makeup or nail varnish should be worn 




Hair should be neat, tidy and of conventional style appropriate for children of school age 
Long hair must be tied back  




Children will need a warm/waterproof coat, as appropriate for the time of year. 



The role of parents 

We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork. One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that it is clean and in good repair.


If any parent would like the school to modify the uniform policy, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the headteacher. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, the school will look sympathetically at such requests. 


Please ensure that all items of uniform and accessories are clearly named. 



Purchasing uniform

School uniform can be purchased from Thomas Moore in Exeter and Honiton Sports.  

Second hand uniform can be purchased from the PTFA: please email for more information or to request some uniform. 

